Co-operative Business
in the Curriculum

We recognize that although the co-operative business model is one of the four recognized business types in Canada and is reflected in the current Ontario curriculum, most teachers never learned about
co-operative businesses and therefore do not have the tools to pass on that learning to their students.
Our job is to make it easy for educators to teach
co-operative content in the classroom.
Co-operative Minds was developed by the Ontario Co-operative Association, a non-profit co-operative, with the support of Co-operators, one of Canada's largest co-operative insurance providers.

Michelle Christmann, Education Manager, Ontario Co-operative Association
Stefan Demczyna, Teacher/ Indigenous Curriculum Consultant, Hastings Prince Edward District School Board
Charlotte Francis, Illustrator and Research Assistant
Brett Manlow, Teacher, Hastings Prince Edward District School Board
Alicia Raffin, Certified Ontario Teacher
Eddie Sauve, Teacher, Thames Valley District School Board
Partner Organizations:
Evoke Facilitation and Consulting
Sleeper Studios Graphic Design